Thursday, September 9, 2010

Welcome to our new Blog

Welcome to our new Blog, where in addition to our 'Facebook' page, 
"No to Slíabh Bán Wind Farm" (!/pages/No-to-Sliabh-Ban-Wind-Farm/379108145039?ref=ts);
we will keep you up to-date with events happening in our campaign to have the proposed Coillte Wind Farm application rejected by the planning authority.

Please feel free to add any concerns or comments you might have to the Blog or by e-mailing us direct at ''.

The current view of Sliabh Ban from Four Mile House
And two views of Dawn rising over Sliabh Ban

1 comment:

  1. That mountain sure does look beautiful. It would be a great shame if it got covered in them whirly-gigs!
